A Refreshing Approach to Retail Resilience
Posted By:
Sebastien Corbay
To develop solutions that fit retail companies’ needs, our proven methodology exactly matches the qualities and benefits our users strive to deliver to their own customers.
Just as leading retail companies put the consumer at the center of their business strategies, we put users at the heart of our approach to designing technology solutions. This customer-first focus involves a genuine commitment to get closer to customers to develop solutions with their needs in mind, whether they are consumer packaged goods (CPG) manufacturers, grocery retailers or foodservice providers.
Similar to how retailers and manufacturers now work together to integrate their efforts, we also involve our retail users in the technology development process from the beginning to the end. Open communication helps us intimately understand retail companies’ diverse needs, goals, responsibilities, pain points, user journeys, and process flows. At every step, we keep retail users in the loop, including real-time, candid feedback while they test early versions of our solutions to ensure our designs are clear and effective. By collaborating closely with manufacturers and retailers, we earn their trust and commitment because they feel understood, heard and secure that we truly want them to succeed.
Specially now, retail companies of all sizes strive to uncover new opportunities for efficiency. Similarly, understanding manufacturers’ and retailers’ needs helps us streamline their existing processes, so they can save time, reduce costs and achieve their desired results. We offer solutions that solve common retail problems. Since our innovations are compatible among trading partners, they improve our users’ ability to share information efficiently. By achieving more results in less time, retail users can gain a competitive edge.
Just as consumers expect quality products, retailers and manufacturers now expect quality technology solutions that meet their needs. Our proven technique creates continuous improvements and deliver added value to retail companies. For quality assurance, manufacturers and retailers participate in real-time usability testing using wireframes, mockups and protypes. Testing allows users to share honest feedback and ensure our interfaces are clear, intuitive and effective. Also, testing lets us adjust our solutions early to save time and avoid costly changes later in the process. Our Early Access Program invites retail companies to test a new application before it goes live to ensure there are no surprises and users are satisfied with the end result. In addition, our respected team of knowledgeable industry experts build lasting relationships with manufacturers and retailers by helping to move their businesses forward.
Responding to shifting retail market factors helps manufacturers and retailers to stay relevant and competitive. Similarly, we help our retail customers adapt to retail’s ongoing evolution by digitizing manual processes and streamlining their efforts, so they can respond faster to consumer demands and competitive pressures, which reduces strategic risk. Our flexible solutions also prioritize features that deliver the most value and address users’ biggest needs first.
The retail sector is evolving beyond arm’s-length, transactional relationships to mutually-beneficial partnerships, and so is Trace One. Collaborating with manufacturers and retailers to serve their needs helps us build loyal relationships and support their growth. It’s rewarding for our retail customers to see their fingerprints all over our technology solutions as a direct result of their valuable feedback. They love it because they know their own stakeholders will use the solutions we developed together. This sense of satisfaction and accomplishment has inspired our customers to free up their time to work with us again to design more solutions to address their needs. We’re honoured to earn their trust and commitment by showing that we sincerely care about our users’ success.
Overall, we’re proud to collaborate with retailers and manufacturers of all sizes, listen to their unique needs, and share our unique expertise to benefit their businesses. Our user-centric approach sets us apart in the bustling retail tech space as we help companies stay agile and competitive by evolving from transactional relationships to transformative partnerships.
Sebatien CORBAY
Head of Product Management