Asia: Singapore moves to adopts GHS 7
Safety Data Sheets
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Trace One
The consultation
Enterprise Singapore is consulting on the imminent update of the country’s implementation of the GHS standard and SDS criteria, which will align it with the seventh revision of the GHS. The consultation period ends on June 6th 2022.
The country authority also published a revised draft of the currently in place standard (SS-586), offering a preview of what the update could consist of.
The draft GHS: what’s new?
Following the GHS building-block approach, Singapore plans to introduce:
- Desensitised explosives hazard class
- Subcategorization for flamable gases, category 1 in 1A and 1B
- New hazard category, pyrophoric gases, within the hazard class flammable gases
But does not intend to use:
- Acute Toxicity category 5 (for all routes of exposure)
- Skin Irritation, Category 3
- Aspiration Hazard, Category 2
- Aquatic Acute, Category 2 and 3 and Aquatic Chronic, Category 3 and 4
Enterprise Singapore has yet to provide an official proposed implementation date. Moreover, it is currently unclear whether a transitional period will be in place.
Trace One is paying close attention to the evolution of the regulatory situation and will keep you updated on any news in this regard.