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Canada Extends the Use of Polyglycerol Esters of Interesterified Castor Oil Fatty Acids

| Additives | News | Regulatory News
Posted By: Linsa Valayil John Eappen

eu-proposes-import-tolerances-for-the-pesticide-deltamethrin (4) (1)-Sep-16-2024-04-48-32-9971-PMOn September 10, 2024, the Health Canada modified the List of Permitted Emulsifying, Gelling, Stabilizing, or Thickening Agents to broaden the use of the additive “Polyglycerol esters of Interesterified Castor oil Fatty acids”.

The update is summarized below:

  • To authorize the use polyglycerol esters of interesterified castor oil fatty acids for new food categories;
  • The modification increases the concentration in chocolate-flavored coatings from 0.2 to 0.5%;
  • The limit established for mayonnaise-type dressings, spreads, sauces, and condiments is set at 0.8%;
  • Risk assessment studies indicate safe use of the permitted additive for allergenicity, chemistry, efficacy, nutrition, and toxicity;
  • The regulation amends the List of Permitted Emulsifying, Gelling, Stabilizing, or Thickening Agents.

This regulation is effective from September 10, 2024.

To view the complete regulation, check out the Food News Monitoring System