
Canada Issues Guidance on Labeling of Plant-Based Alternatives to Egg Products

| Labeling | News | Regulatory News
Posted By: Linsa Valayil John Eappen

eu-proposes-import-tolerances-for-the-pesticide-deltamethrin (1)-Jul-31-2024-01-46-36-9469-PMOn July 29th, 2024, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency published Guidance proposal on “Label and Representation of Plant-based Alternatives to Egg Products”.

The key points highlighted are as follows:

  • To help industries meet legal labelling requirements and support CFIA enforcement for plant-based egg alternatives;
  • Applicable only to plant-based egg alternatives, excluding actual eggs, other plant-based foods, and processed egg products;
  • To ensure adherence to the Food and Drugs Act (FDA) and Safe Food for Canadians Act (SFCA) to prevent misleading labeling;
  • The document sites various examples on misleading and non-misleading plant-based alternatives to egg products;
  • Labels must clearly indicate the product is not an egg, using accurate names, claims, and images, with proper allergen information.

The proposed guidance is open for public consultation until October 28, 2024.

To view the document and stay updated with latest information, check out the Food News Monitoring System