Chile Amends Milk Definition in Food Health Regulation, Decree 977
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Ofelia Medina
On March 6, 2019, the Library of National Congress of Chile published the new “Decree 71 –modification to Supreme Decree n º 977, of 1996, of the Ministry of Health, Sanitary regulation of the food.“
The main purposes of the document are:
- To harmonize the definition of milk contained in the Sanitary regulation of food with the Codex Alimentarius established in Codex STAN 206-1999;
- To determine the characteristics of milk and its sanitation processes;
- To define the parameters of cheese ripening, when not subjected to microbiocide treatment.
The regulation will enter into force 12 months after its publication in the Chilean Official journal, therefore on March 7, 2020.
View the full text of the amendment here.