China Issues New National Drafts Standards for the Dairy Industry
On April 08, 2020, the National Health Commision of the People's Republic of China has published two new draft documents that are relevant for the dairy industry.
- National Standards for Food Safety Condensed Milk, which will replace GB 13102-2010 by modifying the standard name, the scope, the terms and definitions, sensory requirements; physical and chemical index, the microbial limit and direct reference to pathogenic bacteria limit GB 29921 provisions;
- National Standards for Food Safety Milk Powder, to replace GB19644-2010 National Standards for Food Safety Milk powder in order to delete the normative reference file, modify terms and definitions, modify the sensory requirements, modifying the physical and chemical indicators, modify the microbial limit, add technical requirements for yak milk powder, camel milk powder, donkey milk powder and horse milk powder.
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