CLP is being updated: 15th ATP
The 15th of CLP
On August 11th 2020 Regulation 2020/1182, corresponding to the 15th ATP, has been published on the official EU journal. This Regulation amends Regulation 1272/2008 (CLP).
The 15th ATP updates Annex VI to CLP by adding 37 harmonised substances, deleting two and changing the classification of 21 substances already incuded in the Annex.
15th ATP: what’s new?
Here are some of the most important modifications introduced by the 15th ATP:
- Addition of the acute and chronic (1) acquatic toxicity classifications (H400 and H410) for the powder form of lead.
- Introduction of the harmonised classification for nitric acid solutions both above and below 70%
- Introduction of the harmonised classification for MBIT (2-methyl-1,2-benzothiazol-3(2H)-one, CAS: 2527-66-4), including the acute toxicity estimate values for skin and oral exposure routes.
- Addition of the Skin corrosive 1C and Serious eye damage 1 classifications for L-(+)-lactic acid (CAS: 79-33-4)
The application of the classification of acute inhalation toxicity for 2-butoxyethanol and the application of the same classification of lead powder to lead in massive form are still under discussion.
The 15th ATP will come into force on March 1st 2022, and can already be applied on a voluntary basis.
Trace One has planned a regulatory analysis of the 15th ATP, and will keep you updated on it.
Click this link to read the full text of the 15th ATP:
Newsletter 136