EU Approves Glucose Oxidase from Aspergillus tubingensis for Food Production

| Trace One News | Food Enzymes | Additives
Posted By: Abed Moghrabi

On March 04, 2025, the European Union approved the “Use of the food enzyme Glucose oxidase from Aspergillus tubingensis strain GOX” amended Regulation (EC) No 1332/2008.

The key points are as follows:

  • Glucose oxidase from non-GMO strain is approved for safe use in food processing;
  • Authorized for use in egg processing, baked goods, cereal-based products, and brewed products to enhance quality and stability;
  • Genotoxicity and 90-day toxicity study in rats confirmed no adverse effects at the highest tested dose (2000 mg TOS/kg body weight/day); 
  • A match with a known contact allergen was found, but the risk of allergic reactions from dietary exposure is considered low; 
  • The highest estimated exposure 1.555 mg TOS/kg body weight/day ensures a large safety margin of 1286 meeting EU microbiological and heavy metal standards. 
To view the complete regulation, check out the Food News Monitoring System