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EU - CLP Revision: the final text has been approved in a Trilogue meeting

Written by Trace One | May 21, 2024 9:35:39 AM

The CLP Regulation

The objectives of Reg. 1272/2008 (CLP) are to ensure both a high level of protection of human health and the environment and preserving the free movement of substances and mixtures. While the European Union has overall achieved these goals by constantly revising and adapting to the technical progress the CLP Regulation, certain weakness or gaps have yet to be fully solved.

Following the Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability, the addition of four new hazard classifications (endocrine disruptors for health and environment, PBT/vPvB and PMT/vPvM) with EU Reg. 2023/707 and the publication of a draft text, last April 23rd the European Parliament adopted the CLP Revision via a trilogue agreement.

The key points

As a reminder, the following key points object of a future CLP Revision are present in the final text:

  • The minimum font-size and distance between lines on label, which will depend also on the capacity of the package
  • Clarification regarding the need to report on label as product identifiers according to EU CLP Article 18 the components most responsible to the Endocrine disruptor, PBT/vPvB and PMT/vPvM characteristics of the mixture.
  • Characteristics of a fold-out label
  • Provisions for a label provided by digital carrier


After the language revision step, which will take around 2 months, the publication on the Official Journal is expected on June 2024 or, at the latest, on October 2024.

Traceone is paying close attention to the evolution of the regulatory situation and will keep you updated on any news in this regard.

For more information please consult the following link: