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EU Safety Evaluation on the Use of Novel Food in Infant Formula and Follow-on Formula

Written by Abed Moghrabi | Dec 7, 2023 2:39:00 PM

On December 06th, 2023, the European Food Safety Authority's scientific opinions on Nutrition, Novel Foods, and Food Allergens (NDApublished on the “Safety of oil for use in infant and follow‐on formula as a novel food” per Regulation (EU) 2015/2283.

The safety assessment includes the following key points:

  • Use of Schizochytrium sp. (TKD‐1) oil as a Novel food (NF);
  • NF is a mixture of triglycerides in which docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) represents 53%–61% of fatty acids;
  • Addition of DHA to Infant formula and Follow-on formula at the level of 20–50 mg/100 kcal;
  • The source of NF is used ‘for production purposes only’;
  • Toxicological studies indicate no concern about the use of the Novel food and is safe for the proposed condition of uses.

 To view the complete scientific report, check out the Food News Monitoring System