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FSANZ proposes changes to the Regulation of Electrolyte Drinks

Written by Trace One | May 31, 2021 10:12:00 AM

On May 28, 2021, ​Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) issued a consultation draft on the proposed changes to the regulation of electrolyte drinks.

The scope of the scientific proposal is highlighted as follows:

  • Requirements on the proposed change​s to Food Standards Code for the labelling and composition of electrolyte drinks.
  • The proposed design support better public health outcomes by allowing manufacturers to reduce sugar content and making on-pack health claims clearer for​​ consumers.
  • Proposal to lower the minimum content requirement for carbohydrates in electrolyte drinks, from 50 grams per litre to 20 g/L.
  • Safety assessment result indicated the electrolyte drinks with a carbohydrate content of 2% have a similar effect on rehydration and exercise performance as those currently permitted in the Code.
  • To permit three specific on-pack health claims that provide clear guidance on the effects of appropriate consumption of electrolyte drinks.
  • All other health claims, including self-substantiated health claims, will be prohibited, supporting people to make informed decisions about their consumption of electrolyte drinks.

The consultation document is open for comment until July 9th, 2021.

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