How to add info needed for various GHSs around the world
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Trace One
In previous newsletters we saw how GHS is implemented in different countries, with differences in hazard categories and additional requirements.
Because of this, countries can implement additional elements in their SDSs compared to what described in the GHS.
For example, in a REACH SDS you can find information that are relevant only in EU: SVHC, Harmonised Classification, European OEL, etc.
Most common additonal data
The most known case of additional data is the one concerning the US HazCom regulation, which requires the SDS to list a series of info such as OSHA occupational limits limits, IARC carcinogenic substances and state-specific data such as California Proposition 65.
China also requires additional information in its Safety Data Sheet, such as the presence of substances listed in the “Catalogue of Hazardous Chemicals” and “Catalogue of Highly Toxic Chemicals”. We remind you that, similarly to CLP, China has a list of harmonised substances with a harmonised classification.
What is in the datapackage
The US Datapackage lets you import and manage updated informations for the following Hazcom SDS:
- Section 8 – Exposure control / Personal protection
- OSHA Permissible Exposure Limits (OSHA PEL)
- NIOSH Recommended Exposure Limits (NIOSH REL)
- Section 11 – Toxicological information
- List of substances classified as carcinogenic in monographies of the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)
- List of substances classified as carcinogenic in the report of the National Toxicology Program (NTP)
- List of substances classified as carcinogenic by OSHA
- List of substances classified as carcinogenic by NIOSH
- Section 15 – Regulatory Information
- List of substances listed in federal regulations:
- TSCA Inventory and other TSCA sections (Section 12(b), Section 4 Test Rules, Section 5(a) Significant New Use Rules, etc…)
- Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA) Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA)
- Clean Air Act (CAA)
- Clean Water Act
- List of substances listed in state-specific regulations:
- California Proposition 65
- Massachusetts Right to Know
- New Jersey Right to Know
- Pennsylvania Right to Know
- List of substances listed in federal regulations:
The China Datapackage lets you import and manage updated information for the following sections of the Chinese SDS:
- Section 15 – Regulatory Information
- List of substances in the list of “Catalogue of Hazardous Chemicals”
- List of substances in the list of “Catalogue of Highly Toxic Chemicals”
Moreover, the China Datapackage lets you import:
- Harmonised classifications according to China GHS
- Names of harmonised substances
The solution in practice
The Trace One SDS Authoring suite lets you integrate the various additional data required by various regulations in an easy and fast way. By subscribing to the datapacke you are interested into, you will gain access to updated data, saving time in searching and updating it.
To find out more about all solutions available for Trace One SDS Authoring Professional, Trace One SDS Authoring Corporate, Trace One Devex PLM and HSM, get in touch with our Customer Service at the following address: EU-customer-service@selerant.com.