The HSM is a dedicated Microsoft certified solution package in Microsoft Dynamics NAV or BC (Business Central, on premise or in the cloud).
Trace One GmbH, in order to stay compliant, monitors and implements regulatory updates related to CLP ATPs and Annex VIII.
In this regard, updates are available resp. announced.
Currently, the Prosisoft HSM data inventory comprises actualizations according to the following EU regulations amending Regulation (EU) 1272/2008, called CLP Regulation (“CLP”). Conventionally these amendments are called “ATP” (Adaptation to the Technical Progress).
Remark: TiO2 was already in HSM inventory because its presence in several national workplace exposure lists. For the classified version of TiO2 we introduced a new entry.
These updates are accompanied with updates of properties other than the CLP classification. This comprises dangerous goods classification, workplace exposure limits, water hazard class (Germany), assignments of various listings (ECHA Candidate List, TSCA inventory etc.).
For the implementation of the requirements of Annex VIII CLP, the generation of the UFIs and their output on hazardous substance labels, as well as the generation and distribution of the PCNs, we have chosen a two-step approach. Currently we are finishing the generation of UFIs (Unique Formula Identifiers) and the UFI portfolio management, configurable according to your companies’ needs. We will inform you when this function is available. In the next step we will implement the generation of the PCNs (Poison Centre Notifications), i.e. the XML files to be sent to the national appointed bodies and/or the ECHA.
The HSM design and the corresponding phrases are also subject to permanent changes and extensions. Soon we will e.g. address changes to the SDS design in order to implement certain requirements of Annex II of the REACH regulation after its last revision. We are also constantly expanding HSM software to include process-supporting functions that could also be of interest to your company.
Please contact Trace One GmbH to fix a date and the procedure for the implementation of the data update in your NAV installation.
During the update HSM creates log files which tell you for each listed substance where there have been changes and where in your formulations these substances are used. So you can launch recalculations for all formulations containing these substances in a batch run, if necessary.
We would like to clarify other details in contact with you.
Newsletter 131