PLM & Compliance Blog English

HSM: New ECHA options. Withdrawal of products from the market, withdrawal of reports not required

Written by Trace One | Oct 4, 2022 8:41:00 AM


HSM, the Hazardous Substance Management solution integrated in Microsoft Dynamics (NAV or BC), contains a very user-friendly module for automated transmission of PCNs (Poison Centres Notifications) to the European Chemicals Agency ECHA using ECHA's S2S service.

Adaptations to new options

ECHA now allows the submission of notifications that products have been withdrawn from the market or have also been placed back on the market. This does not delete the original product notification, as the product may still be in circulation. Selerant GmbH offers a corresponding update for the PCN module.

Recently, ECHA also allows the withdrawal of submitted notifications, e. g. notifications for member states where a product is not placed on the market at all. Such notifications can be disadvantageous for the submitting company, especially if fees are charged for each individual notification in the country concerned. Selerant GmbH is developing an update for this.