India To Set Trans Fat Rule
Posted By:
Baviya Priyadharshini
On August 30, 2019, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (Food Safety and Standards Authority of India) made available for public consultation a draft proposal of amendment of the Food Safety and Standards (Prohibition and Restriction on Sales) Regulations, 2011.
The proposal refers to the addition of the following clause in regulation 2.3, for sub-regulation 2.3.14, after clause 20:
“21. Food Products in which edible oils and fats are used as an ingredient shall not contain trans fatty acids more than 2% by weight of the total oils/fats present in the product, on and from 1st January 2022.”
Objections or suggestions may be addressed to the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India or sent by email at regulation@fssai.gov.in.
Check the Regulation here or at Id 205940 of our Food Law Library.