Japan Publishes New Food Labelling Updates – July 2019
Posted By:
Irene Piao
On July 1, 2019, the Consumers Affairs Agency (CAA)(消費者庁) of Japan has published new legislative documents regarding food labelling:
- “Food Labelling Standards (Cabinet Office Order No. 10 of 2019)”, repealing the Cabined Office Order of April 23, 2019.
- “Partial Amendment of Q&A On Food Labelling Standards (8th Revision) (CAA No. 148 of 2019)”, repealing the 7th version of May 7, 2019.
- “Partial Amendment of Food for Specified Health Uses (FOSHU)(CAA No. of 141 of 2019)”, repealing the regulation of March 29, 2019.
- “Approval Standards For Food For Special Dietary Uses (CAA No. 144 of 2019)”, that repeals the one from June 7, 2019 the regulation of March 29, 2019.
Check all the changes in the CAA website or in our Food Law Library.