On March 27, 2020, the Official Journal of the Federation of Mexico has published the "Amendment to Official Mexican Standard NOM-051-SCFI/SSA1-2010, General labelling specifications for prepackaged food and non-alcoholic beverages."
The new regulation impacts the labeling creation from the ingredient statement to the nutritional information, with the front of pack content (Part IV) being the most relevant addition.
With these new amendment, definitions contained in Part III have been completely or partially changed. Completely new definitions have been introduced for:
- Added sugars and free sugars;
- Sweeteners;
- Trans fat;
- Complementary information;
- Critical nutrient;
- Imitation product;
- Stamps;
- Front labelling system;
Moreover, the definition of additive has been updated to be considered as: “Any substance that as such is not normally consumed as food, nor is it used as a basic ingredient in a food, whether or not it has nutritional value, and whose addition to the product for technological purposes in its stages of production, making, preparation, treatment, packaging, transport or storage, results or can reasonably be expected to result (directly or indirectly) by itself or its by-products, is a component of the product or an element that affects its characteristics (including organoleptic). This definition does not include “contaminants” or substances added to the product to maintain or improve nutritional qualities.”
The new content of Part IV is summarized below:
Name of the product (
- New rules for name of the prepackaged product on the label
- Specific requirements for products that meet the definition for Imitation products
Ingredient list details (
- Change of declaration for compound ingredients
- New mandatory declaration for added sugars (
Allergen declaration (
- New allergens included and new added exceptions to allergens already present in regulation
- New allergen declaration for possible direct and cross contamination
Additive declaration (
- Enzymes and flavors or flavorings can be declared as generic names, except caffeine, which has specific way of declaration
Nutritional information
- New nutrients on mandatory list for declaration and new rules for the declaration of voluntary nutrients
- For usage of specific claims regarding amount of some nutrients its amounts may or should be indicated as well
- Change of format of nutritional information:
- Calories: expressed in kcal (kJ) per 100 g, or per 100 ml, as well as the total content of the container
- Amount of protein, available carbohydrates, fats, dietary fiber, and sodium: expressed in UoM per 100 g or 100 ml
- NEW table of nutritional information (NFP)
Reference intake values for particular nutrients ( -
- Change of nutritional reference value for Vitamin D
Nutritional Rounding Rules (
- Changes for: Trans Fats, Carbohydrates and their components, Dietary fiber, Vitamins and minerals
Front of Packaging (4.5.3) rules include complementary nutritional information and new precautionary legends:
- Complementary nutritional information is related to products that:
- Contain added: free sugars, fats or sodium;
- Energy value, amount of free sugars, saturated fat, trans fat, and sodium comply with the nutritional profiles established in the regulation
- Complementary nutritional information is created using seals/stamps that must be placed on the main display surface.
- For the calculation and evaluation of the values and profiles referring to the complementary nutritional information, three different stages will be established progressively.
- Precautionary legends apply to sweeteners and caffeine in the ingredients’ list: if the label does not contain the precautionary seals and legends, the phrase "This product does not contain seals or legends" has to be added.
The amendment will enter into force as follows:
- Chapters to and 7.1.3 to 7.1.4 on October 1st, 2020 (three phases of implementation for complementary nutritional declaration are considered);
- Other chapters on April 1st, 2021
Check the full text of the legislation together with the English translation in our Food Law Library!