Mexico Releases New Official Dairy Standards
Posted By:
Ofelia Medina
On January 31, 2019, the Official Journal of the Federation published the following standards on yogurt, milk powder or dehydrated milk and cheese:
- “Official Mexican standard NOM-181-SCFI/SAGARPA-2018, Yogurt- denomination, physicochemical and microbiological specifications, commercial information and test methods“ – repeals the draft NOM-181-SCFI-2010 and enters into force on July 30, 2019; full text available here;
- “Official Mexican standard NOM-222-SCFI/SAGARPA-2018, Milk powder or dehydrated milk - Raw material - Specifications, commercial information and test methods“ - enters into force on February 1, 2020; full text available here;
- “Official Mexican Standard NOM-223-SCFI/SAGARPA-2018, Cheese - denomination, specifications, commercial information and test methods“ - enters into force on February 1, 2020; full text available here.