New version of the ESCom standard phrase catalogue
Exposure Scenarios
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Trace One
What is the ESCom standard phrase catalogue?
The European Chemical Industry Council (Cefic) has updated its catalogue of standard phrases for exposure scenarios.
The “ESCom standard phrase catalogue” covers the standard phrases for exposure scenario content. It is being maintained and further developed under the leadership of Cefic and DUCC.
The main purpose of using standard phrases is the efficient and consistent creation of harmonized text paragraphs for exposure scenarios, which will ease electronic data transfer of standardised phrases between suppliers and their customers and also facilitates the translation of documents into other languages.
The latest version of the “ESCom standard phrase catalogue” contains 2503 phrases, around 1600 of which are active. These phrases can be downloaded as a Chesar import file and used directly for preparing the exposure scenarios for communication with Chesar (v3.2 and v3.3).
During the Trace One European User Conference, which will be held in Milan on May 16th-17 th, participants will have the chance to have a deeper insight on this topic thanks to various presentations and events which will involve Dook Noij, current head of the ESCom working group.
Exposure Scenario Tool Module
Concerning the creation of exposure scenarios in accordance with the standards defined in the ESCom project, Trace One has developed a tool that assists the user in this process. Thanks to this tool it is possible to insert, in a guided manner, information concerning various elements of the exposure scenario, such as operational conditions and risk management measures. This tool automatically organises such information in an appropriate template, generating a ready-to-use exposure scenario and its corresponding ESCom XML file.
This tool is based on the ESCom XML template and contains the “ESCom standard phrase catalogue”.
For more information regarding the ESCom project and the Trace One European User Conference, follow these links:
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