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- New Zealand Proposes to Amend Food Notice on Maximum Residue Levels for Agricultural Compounds
New Zealand Proposes to Amend Food Notice on Maximum Residue Levels for Agricultural Compounds
Contaminants & Pesticides
Vet Drugs
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Trace One
On April 11, 2021, the New Zealand’s Ministry of Primary Industries issued the “Proposal to Amend Food Notice on Maximum Residue Levels for Agricultural Compounds”, in accordance with international methodologies published by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and International Cooperation on Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Registration of Veterinary Medicinal Products (VICH).
The document outlines the following proposals:
- Technical assessment of each proposal is included in section 3 of the document and covers various categories such as rationale; chemical information; good agricultural practice; residues information; dietary risk assessment.
- Toxicological/public health assessment; and MRLs set by Codex and other relevant authorities (e.g. Australia, Canada, China, EU, Japan, USA) is listed for easy reference.
- Various proposals to amend MRL’s for amoxicillin, ampicillin, erythromycin, clomazone, pydiflumetofen, tylosin etc. have been set out. Also, proposal to exempt cod liver oil from compliance with MRL has been indicated.
- An estimated dietary exposure assessment associated with authorized and proposed uses according to established GAP for New Zealand with HBGV (the PDE (food) or an ADI) concluded that residues arising from these uses are unlikely to present any public health or safety concerns.
The draft is open for public comments until June 11, 2021.
To view the complete draft notice, check out the Food News Monitoring System.