Publication of 15th ATP provisional text
15th ATP of CLP
The 33rd CARACAL meeting, held last January 15th, led to a first draft of the 15th Adaptation to Technical Progress, amending the Annex VI to Regulation 1272/2008 (CLP).
Based on the opinions concerning several substances issued by the Committee for Risk Assessment (RAC), it was deemed necessary to update, introduce or remove the harmonised classification and labelling of a number of substances, some of which are commonly used, such as nitric acid in concentrations above and below 70% and silicon carbide fibres.
The Committee is taking into consideration the application of a harmonised classification concerning lead in massive form (particle diameter ≥ 1mm) and 2-butoxyethanol (CAS 111-76-2).
The official publication date has not been defined yet; the objection period is expected to end on July 19th 2020.
Trace One is paying close attention to the evolution of the regulatory situation and will keep you updated on any news in this regard.
For consulting the provisional text of the regulation available in all the EU languages:
Newsletter 133