RAC has proposed new occupational exposure limit values
What is this RAC opinion about?
The Committee for Risk Assessment (RAC) has issued its opinion on the definition of some OEL values, answering a request received from the European Commission. This opinion concerns occupational exposure limits of benzene (CAS: 71-43-2), acrylonitrile (CAS: 107-13-1), nickel and its compounds, specifically inorganic ones.
The RAC proposes the following professional exposure limits:
- 0,05ppm (Benzene)
- 0,45ppm (Acrylonitrile)
- 0,005mg/m3 (Nickel and its compounds, respirable dust)
- 0,03mg/m3 (Nickel and its compounds, inhalable dust)
At the moment, this RAC opinion has been sent to the European Commission, who will act on the carcinogen and mutagen directive.
What is RAC?
The Committee for Risk Assessment (RAC) prepares ECHA opinions related to the risks that substances pose to human health and the environment in specific REACH and CLP procedures, while the final decisions are taken by the European Commission. For the first time the European Commission has submitted a request to the RAC for evaluating the scientific basis of specific OEL values.
RAC provides scientific support and prepares opinions related to topics other that OELs, such as:
- Harmonised Classification and Labelling
- Restrictions
- Applications for authorisation
- ECHA's Executive Director's requests related to any aspects concerning the safety of substances.
For more information concerning RAC and the opinion on OELs, refer to the ECHA website at these links:
Newsletter 109