Trace One HSM: New releases
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Trace One
HSM, the hazardous substance management solution integrated in Microsoft Dynamics, has to change constantly. On the one hand, our product should support all common NAV/BC versions; on the other hand, new legal requirements require adjustments and additions. But we at Trace One GmbH also see ourselves as “innovation drivers”.
Below you find a brief description of what we can already deliver or have in the pipeline for this year. This means HSM for new Microsoft Dynamics versions, new or updated functionality of HSM and new FCC calculations.
HSM for Business Central
As from now, Trace One GmbH can deliver HSM for Microsoft Dynamics Business Central (BC). This means that HSM continues to seamlessly integrate with any Microsoft Dynamics installation, be it BC in the cloud (SaaS), be it on prem or IaaS. HSM for BC is already rolled to new customers and ready for customers who are planning to migrate their NAV installation to BC.
New HSM version
The HSM functionality is practically the same for all NAV or BC platforms but depends on the HSM version. So far, all HSM version updates where derived from Version, even if there had been already significant gains in functionality. This time, so many improvements and enhancements have accumulated that we will bring out a so-called major update to release Version This update is still in a thorough testing process. We will inform you, e. g. in this newsletter, about the availability.
The update of the SDS design to adapt to the requirements of Annex II REACH is included in the update. Many customers have already received this adaptation. If this has not yet been done, it will be installed when the new release is rolled out.
Dangerous goods classification via FCC
So far, the dangerous goods classification of mixtures was not part of the FCC (Flow Chart Calculator) configuration sets (like GHS classification, WGK, MAL Code etc.) but carried out using the external PSSDOM database and program libraries (DLLs) outside of Microsoft Dynamics - with the necessity of installing PSSDOM on each computer intended to use HSM.
Apart from the technical aspects, the classification via FCC maps the dangerous goods regulations much more deeply and consistently, allows to setup up more company-specific defaults etc.
The new configurations are available for delivery, please contact us. We also plan to offer webinars on this issue.