UFI generation module is available
The UFI code, introduced by CLP Annex VIII, is a labelling element that links a specific hazardous mixture to its specific data that has been notified to the EU Poison Centres database. Therefore, every company that places hazardous mixtures on the market will have to generate their own UFI codes, so that they can be included in the EU Poison Centres notifications for their products and then be included in the hazardous products' label.
Annex VIII of CLP: what does it entail?
According to article 45 of the CLP Regulation, importers and downstream users who place hazardous mixtures on the market shall submit relevant info to appointed bodies, in order to allow the proper management of emergencies.
Until now this process is different for each EU member state, generating a fragmented approach to poison centres and complicating the process of selling hazardous chemical mixtures in multiple EU states.
Regulation 2017/542, which defines Annex VIII of CLP, was published with the aim of harmonising the type and format of data to be notified to poison centres in the EU.
As the regulation itself specifies, a declaration complying to CLP Annex VIII will have to be sent electronically in a specific XML format, provided by the European Chemical Agency (ECHA).
The software solution
Trace One is always working on enhancing its solutions in order to help users be compliant with regulations. The latest versions of the Trace One SDS Authoring and Trace One Devex PLM suites enable the first part of our UFI module, which let you:
- Automatically generate UFI codes for your products
- Add UFIs of the MiM (Mixture in Mixture)
- Manage and maintain your UFI portfolio
UFI creation in Trace One SDS Authoring Professional.
Second part of the module: EU PCN declaration
The second part of this module, related to PCN declaration, let users do the following:
- Automatically extract data from the system that are relevant for the notification
- Add relevant information requested by Annex VIII
- Have a preview of the info needed for declaration, and generate the PCN dossier
- Calculate when UFI code must be updated
If you wish to know more about all solutions available for Trace One SDS Authoring Professional, Trace One SDS Authoring Corporate, HSM and Trace One Devex PLM, contact our Customer Service: EU-customer-service@selerant.com.
We invite you also to register to our webinar on Regulatory Changes in Chemical Industry in 2020/2021. Click on the link below to save your seat.