United States Adopts New Limits on Food Pesticides
United States
Contaminants & Pesticides
Posted By:
Trace One
On June 28 and July 1, 2019, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has introduced new limitations on the following food pesticides:
- Ethiprole – tolerance residues have been revised for “rice, grain” and “tea, dried” food categories. Plus, an additional limit has been added for “coffe, green bean”.
- New restrictions were added for the fungicides metentrifluconazole and valifenalate in or on multiple food commodities (vegetables, fruit, meat and meat products etc.)
- New entries for “cranberry”, “lentil, dry seed”, and “pea, dry seed” have been included for the pesticide fluopyram.
Changes are applicable from the date of publication.
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