PLM & Compliance Blog English

United States FDA Releases Labelling Guidance for Declaration of Added Sugars for Honey, Maple Syrup, Etc.

Written by Trace One | Jun 19, 2019 10:35:00 AM

On June 18, 2019, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has published "The Declaration of Added Sugars on Honey, Maple Syrup, Other Single Ingredient Sugars and Syrups and Certain Cranberry Products: Guidance for Industry.“

Regarding single-ingredient packages or containers of pure honey, maple syrup and other single ingredient sugars and syrups, the aim of the guidance is the following:

  • Clarifying the necessary labelling requirements;
  • Advising food manufacturers to use of truthful and not misleading statements for the final consumer;
  • Providing indications on the use of a “†” symbol following the percent Daily value (DV) representing the contribution of added sugars to the diet;

Check the full text of the guidance document here or in our Food Law Library.