GHS Brazil: What’s new?
On June 13th 2019, the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (ABNT) published an update of the ABNT NBR 14725 – 2 standard, regarding the hazards classification of chemical substances according to GHS.
This update changes the generic concentration limits that trigger the classification of a mixture for the following hazards:
- Skin and respiratory sensitisation;
- Carcinogenicity;
- Reproductive toxicity (including effect on or via lactation);
- Specific target organ toxicity – single exposure;
- Specific target organ toxicity – repeated exposure.
Overall, we observe that – while previous imposed limits were stricter - the new update introduces less restrictive classification limits, similar to those implemented in Europe with the CLP regulation.
We would like to point out that, although the standard is already in force, it is possible to keep using the previous classification limits or to choose to apply the newly introduced limits.
Trace One is already at work to provide its customers with the maximum flexibility in implementing the new Brasilian classification limits as described in the update of the ABTN NRB 14725 - 2019.
For more information about the Update of GHS Brazil, we suggest further reading at the following link:
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