At the moment, this process happens in a different way for each EU Member State, which is an obstacle when selling hazardous mixtures in multiple EU countries.
The publication of Regulation 2017/542, taking place of CLP Annex VIII, has the aim of harmonising this submission process, as well as the data format, for the whole EU.
The European Chemical Agency (ECHA) recently published the second version of the guidance document “Guidance on harmonised informations relating to emergency health response – Annex VIII to CLP” whose aim is to assist companies in complying with the obligations of Annex VIII.
The second version of the guidance contains additional informations about the role of the distributors, a theme that was not included in the previous version of the document. However, we would like to point out that the Member States haven’t reached a unanimous consensus, as specified in “Note to the reader” inside the guide itself.
The guidance is available only in English, translations in other EU languages are underway.
During August 2019, the European Commission has launched a public consultation regarding the postponement of the first application date imposed by Annex VIII. This first date represents the deadline by which the new notifications for dangerous mixtures destined for consumer use must be drafted in compliance with Annex VIII. It is currently set for January 1st 2020, in conjunction with the application date of Annex VIII.
The proposal made would postpone this deadline by one year, setting it at January 1st 2021.
Trace One is following the development of this situation with maximum attention and we will keep you updated.
Title 4. To access Reg. (EU) 2017/542 and the official ECHA guidances, please use the following links:
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