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US Establishes New Tolerance Level for the Pesticide Ethaboxam

Written by Sandhya Sashikumar | Aug 26, 2024 12:45:00 PM

On August 23rd, 2024, the US Federal Register Released “New Tolerance Level Ethaboxam” per FFDCA section 408(b)(4). The regulation amends 40 CFR Part 180.

The key points include the following:

  • The tolerance for Ethaboxam residue on leaf petiole vegetable subgroup 22B is set at 0.15 ppm;
  • The authority has confirmed that Ethaboxam and its metabolites and degradates are unlikely to cause harm at the specified levels;
  • The assessment indicate that chronic dietary risks are safe and there are no significant residential or cumulative risks.

This regulation is effective August 23, 2024.

To view the complete regulation, check out the Food News Monitoring System and stay up-to-date with the latest regulatory information.