Trace One Devex PLM — Product Lifecycle Management Software and Solutions

Trace One Devex PLM for process manufacturers is a product lifecycle management solution that enhances enterprise operations for product development. Discover Trace One’s powerful PLM software, solutions, and tools.

Trace One Devex PLM

Launch winning products Opportunity and growth for PLM adoption

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A full-spectrum solution

A centralized private or public cloud-based PLM tool supports stronger execution on strategic corporate goals around innovation and growth

Accelerate time to market

Decrease costs to develop a new product or change an existing product.

The key to collaboration

Promote cross-team collaboration throughout your organization to free up staff time for higher-level activities.

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Baked-in compliance

Achieve better compliance with regulatory and labeling requirements and reporting deadlines.

Reduce recall risk

Decrease risk and cost of a product recall.

Enhanced visibility & traceability

Eliminate time-consuming and suboptimal risk/quality management, including inadequate controls and audit trails.

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Open up opportunities

Accelerate ingredient cost savings, resulting in higher profit margins.

A Single Source of Truth

Enjoy cost avoidance from retiring legacy software when you leverage a single platform. Integrate with your ERP system for smooth data exchange.

Streamline NPDI processes

Experience incremental profit from faster time-to-market.

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Standardize supplier onboarding

Reduce effort to manage suppliers and vendors.

Complete control

Retain and capitalize on institutional knowledge for integrated business planning.

Deepen insight

Increase visibility with automatic notifications, sample fulfillment tracking, customer feedback forms, and vendor collaboration.

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Why Trace One Devex PLM Single Source of Truth Product Lifecycle Management Software

From idea to finished product, Trace One Devex PLM ensures compliance and facilitates end-to-end innovation throughout formula-based product development. Leverage integrated PLM tools and processes that boost the visibility, harmonization, validation, and traceability of data and activity at each stage of your product lifecycle.

  • Increase operational efficiency throughout the PLM process.
  • Reduce the effort of managing suppliers and vendors.
  • Accelerate time to market to drive greater profits.
  • Recoup costs from retiring legacy software.
Trace One Devex PLM for SMB

Pre-configured PLM for SMB Out-of-the-box PLM for Small & Medium Businesses

Trace One Devex PLM Advanced is a preconfigured, template-based cloud PLM application specifically developed for small and medium-sized food and beverage manufacturers. Speed up time-to-market, control costs and ensure accuracy and compliance within a single out-of-the-box PLM solution that covers all aspects of your NPDI process.

of manufacturer revenue supported annually
passionate staff located around the world
countries supported by our regulatory solutions
customer-reported ROI from implementing Trace One Devex PLM

Ingredion Why Trace One

Devex PLM

Expert-guided success The Trace One Process

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      We guide your teams through fast, effective design workshops to uncover the perfect configuration for your new PLM system.

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      Trace One builds out the PLM system based on your unique requirements. We’ll help you settle into your new workflows and support each team on their piece of the data migration.

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      Before launch, we validate the PLM system in your environment based on established use cases and perform detailed testing.

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      Go Live

      The clear and guided Trace One approach works to mitigate risk, nerves, and resistance to change. Our experts create a project plan with an eye to minimal downtime as the shift is made from in-development to a live environment.

Our Customers Include

  • 01-nestle
  • Cargill
  • logo_coca_cola
  • logo_ferrero
  • 04-sensient
  • cofco-Sep-25-2020-02-54-05-48-AM
  • 06-ashland
  • 18-puig
  • Welchs
  • 23-parmalat
  • Brown–Forman_Logo
  • 27-cerealpartners
  • McCormick
  • 29-barilla
  • 30-continentalmills
  • 31-avon
  • Ghirardelli
  • 35-lindt
  • 36-tyson
  • Bacardi
  • 39-bg
  • cosmo
  • shiseido-logo-4
  • innoncent drinks logo file
  • Foster Clarks

MAXIMIZE COLLABORATION Connect disparate teams across the entire product lifecycle

Research & Development

Meet go-to-market and budget timeline demands. Overcome data silos and leverage collaboration tools to formulate faster and access the right info at the right time throughout the entire product lifecycle. Maintain version control and eliminate redundancies and repetition with a Single Source of Truth (SSOT) platform. Optimize costs and meet consumer, market and regulatory requirements.

Regulatory Affairs

Eliminate consumer issues like improper labeling that can lead to a consumer getting sick from a mislabeled allergen and recalls with a comprehensive regulatory compliance framework. Perform real-time compliance checks throughout the product development process. Perfect product data governance ensuring product labels are populated with the accurate information.

Quality Management

Mitigate brand reputation damage of non-compliance to quality standards and certifications. Prevent financial loss due to inaccurate or poor product data. Ensure end-to-end visibility into quality management processes. Guarantee feedback reaches the right people at the right times so that each team can address quality issues before they get lost in transmission or passed onto the next stage of production.

Procurement & Supply Chain Management

Eliminate supply chain risks that occur when raw materials aren’t delivered on time or at all, thereby causing disruption to the flow of products and materials. Trace One Devex PLM supplier quality management ensures supply chain traceability and proactive management of potential issues.

Marketing & Innovation

Facilitate input from marketing professionals to product teams. Make sure new products match what consumers and the market demand with requirements-driven product development.


Embrace digital transformation: ensure all the corporate systems speak to each other. Unify and consolidate platforms. Integrate your existing ERP system with Trace One Devex PLM for seamless product data sharing. 

Let’s Get in Touch

Connect with us to learn how Trace One Devex PLM can serve your organization’s unique needs.